Oracle'da örnek şema nesnelerinden biri olan HR schema, 7 tablodan oluşmaktadır. Bu tabloların birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri aşağıdaki gibidir.
The Human Resources (HR) Schema Açıklaması
The Human Resources (HR) şeması, Oracle Database'le birlikte gelen Oracle Örnek Şemalardan biridir.
Tablo Açıklamaları
- REGIONS contains rows that represent a region such as America, Asia, and so on.
- COUNTRIES contains rows for countries, each of which is associated with a region.
- LOCATIONS contains the specific address of a specific office, warehouse, or production site of a company in a particular country.
- DEPARTMENTS shows details about the departments in which the employees work. Each department may have a relationship representing the department manager in the EMPLOYEES table.
- EMPLOYEES contains details about each employee working for a department. Some employees may not be assigned to any department.
- JOBS contains the job types that can be held by each employee.
- JOB_HISTORY contains the job history of the employe es. If an employee changes departments within a job or changes jobs within a department, then a new row is inserted into this table with the earlier job information of the employee.
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